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Know me. By reading my blog. ;)
Loves <3

Movies.Books.Health Info.Biology.Running. Sports.Thinking.Analysing.Fashion. Baking.Cooking.Family. Travelling.Good Food.Fruits. Nuts.Salmon.Love.Sincerity.Warmness. Peace.Shopping.

Wishes <3

Getting A Meds Scholarship.Running Marothons.Good Rest.Travel Around the World.Tasting the Best Food.
ChatterBox <3

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September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

You Are Original and Innovative

You are very open. You communicate well, and you connect with other people easily.
You are a naturally creative person. Ideas just flow from your mind.
A true chameleon, you are many things at different points in your life. You are very adaptable.

You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out.
Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia.
Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person.

You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.
You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.
You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.

You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.
You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.
You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.

You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone.
You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together.
At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together.

You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow.
You are light hearted and accepting. You don't get worked up easily.
Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is.

You are a free spirit, and you resent anyone who tries to fence you in.
You are unpredictable, adventurous, and always a little surprising.
You may miss out by not settling down, but you're too busy having fun to care.

终于都可以跑来上网了。由于我的电脑中了virus,所以daddy 拿去他的office弄了。弄好后,我却跟他说电脑等SPM后才还我,因为整天看到电脑,我就会忍不住"摸摸"它。。。 所以咯。。。趁要找华语资料就偷偷用mummy电脑上网噜! 哈哈哈。


最近看到大部分的人都在为第一次统一考试而奋斗,当然我也不例外咯。。。kiasu 嘛。。。没办法。其实重点是在为自己而努力,而不是要跟别人争什么跟什么的~

说真的,我还蛮"享受"啦。习惯就好啦~~~ :D 乐观点也不错。 嘻嘻。

不过,不懂是不是压力的问题,附近的朋友一个个开始病倒,不然就是那种满头烦恼的样子,说真的是有恐怖到咯,哈哈有机会跑来班看看,尤其坐我后面的那条水+ 张"美丽"小姐。他们俩早上的情况糟糕到使我不停笑他们。。。哈哈哈哈。



最近也比较少出门了,星期六都乖乖待在家里,都没什么余兴节目,所以也没什么漂亮的照片秀秀给大家分享。所以,要忍耐我的闲闲 blog 咯!



Saturday, January 31, 2009

A Letter to Myself.

Wanted to type in chinese, but it took me ages to even finish typing a bar. Therefore gave up on it, used english instead.

I've been back from S'pore two days from now, mentally and physically geared up for tuesday's preparation for school.

I really don't wanna end up getting awful results. I'm really really scared.

To be honest, I'm feeling very stressed up lately. I mean since coming back from S'pore. To see that people around me are working/ striving so hard + hardworking to achieve what they want.

You know, I felt like a total LOSER for somehow.

I've always look through myself as someone who has no discipline, no self-determination, not smart (at all), no will-power, and getting distracted by the outer world easily.

People say that I'm smart. Well, I'll say that you've just haven't seen the smarter once nor the one who worked 110% harder than anyone else to earn what they want in life, yet.

I know where my limits are, I'm aware.

I just don't wanna kill the last fire of self-esteem in myself.

I don't wanna lose grip.

I need support. I need comfort. I need warmth.

Held me these and I'm sure I'll make it through the distance. Trust me. :)

I don't wanna be a useless person. I really don't!!!


This is a very emotional post.

I know, it happens to me every single beginning of the year.

It's somehow like my menstruation cycle.

I'm glad I've typed it all out. I'm feeling soooo much more comfy right now. :)


You know, Tuesday is somehow a big day for me you know.

As in like its REALLY new year already, I follow the chinese calendar.

Meaning there's no more excuses for not catching up with my usual schedule/daily routine. I don't wanna fall back from it way way too far.

It felt more 2009 to me than 1st of Jan!!!

*breathes in breathes out*

(yeah, that's the spirit!)

SPM wouldn't be long from now. Or I should say I shall focus more on my first term examinations??? It's seems like it'll be round the corner soon.

So, to people around the world. Let's face our challenges together okay?!

No matter your in trouble with your job,love,friendship etc, or like me, fussing with studies, just remember that anywhere around each corner of the world, there's always someone to share the same problem with you, you WON'T be the only one.

At least, there's still me.



Alar... I know I've crap a lot. Pictures to cure the boredoms. :)

Went to Bugis Street. Chinatown. Wooo I love this place!!! Eventually I like being in crowded place where there's tons and tons of peoples. The atmosphere seem like being on a vacation!


Bugis Street.

All I wanna say is, no matter how cheap clothes are there, it's still considered bloody expensive for Malaysians. Seriously, shopping in Malaysia is HEAVEN!

I was pulled by a Chinese sales man for his product demonstration while walking along the street.

Haha, maybe because I have long + black hair gua~


Step by step.

Actually very embarrassing lor being surrounded by the crowds. Imagine, just to see how the guy ties your hair around SO many people. o_O

Almost almost.

Last touch.

Yeap, TA DAH!!! :D


Poke off.


No.. It's not a bird nest.

I prefer Malaysian Hawker la. ;)

On the way to Orchard Road.

Cool Dad vs Daughter. :D

Chic on Orchard Road.

6pm sharp.
Stressed up the entire day at home. Luckily Elfy called and asked to meet her up at Sunway Pyramid.

Ahhh... At last I get to release some tension. :D

Laughed like kisiaos, as usual.

Having dinner at BBQ Plaza.

Smile. :)
p/s: Giddy... I need to sleep. NOW!!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Whoever Out There, Make Me More Roads!!!

This is NOT a running shoes. :)


Waliao eh~~~ I eventually ran from my house (pjs 9) to Summit USJ. Banyak proud!!! :D

But then, I suffered from blister after coming home. Seriously, I need a pair of new running shoes.

What's enough is enough. I've rest too much since my last marathon. I did feel very very guilthy being awfully lazy to run back on the treadmill.

I just kept finding more and more excuses to skip my runnings.


But hey,

NEW YEAR NEW START right???!??!

Gear up for my next marathon!!! I've gotta be prepared.


The main reason why I started back running today was mainly because I'm FAT already. Holidays and holidays one after the other made me packed on unwanted pounds.

This is ridiculous. The weighing machine just scaled up out of nowhere.

What's worst. My face looked awful in pictures. Hmmmmph!!!!!!!

Mum called me PAMELO FACE!!!


On a lighter note,

Without that extra pounds, I haven't had realise that how much I adore running until TODAY!!! :D

Princess of the Road,

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Nerd in Action.

What else? A nerd needs her dictionary wud right?!?

Okay la. Sorry for not updating. I can't seem to find the time/topic to blog during schooling days.

So, err. School was fun, as usual.

The end???

See, I told you there's nothing to blog about.


Talking about CNY, I'M SUPER EXCITED!!!

Have you guys stock up yet?!

Scallops, abalones, ROU GAN, mandarins, all kind of cookies....







seriously, this is lame. xD

Mariam. Sam. Elynn. Choc.


The threesomes.

Alor... I like this pic la wei!

Dedicated to you, Phil boy! ;D

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Minded Thoughts.


Ohhhh, finally it's Saturday that I get to go online/get myself updated after so many days since school reopen.
Today was maths small test, which I nearly wanted to commit suicide *choi choi choi + vomit blood.

After seeing through the questions over and over... I realise I CAN'T EVEN UNDERSTAND WTH is it???

All the mind kept saying was : " how come so hard??? how come so hard???" and the tummy started to feel wobbly packed with butterflies. Shit.

Omg. The brain has officially announce itself being rusty.


What la???

One month only mar.


The first week was all about getting myself comfortable to fit in the new environment. and to embark my new chapters of life getting to learn new things/meet new friends etc.

Was scrolling and clicking on various blogs around the net (mostly people i know) and to take a peep on the goings-on life's with them.

Knowing that those who were elder then me all being in different colleges taking up various courses I hardly even knew and thus, studying overseas.

It made a twitch in the stomach for a while, to see that they were in front of you the day before and now, being all the way end of the world.
It somehow make me think : " god will this be me next???"

No wonder people say that time flies at a blink of an eye. You see, the first week of school has been yet over. What will it be like when you grow older???


To be honest, I've had thoughts in mind earlier during the holidays about my future.

Surprisingly, my point of view had totally changed as I've found that what I really WANT to do isn't what I really wanted at the first place.
I know being a surgeon has always been my dream since....FOREVER???

But, before I start learning how to rescue people and doing bloody honouring, fantastic things as a surgeon or any similiar job in the same field, I've yet to see people around the world as they suffer from various diseases/ kids weren't able to go to school and stuffs FIRST.

And who knows, I might end up being a charity worker.


Basically, the main point is, studying deadly in classroom/ memorizing unknown chemical equations (without even knowing what chemical is it or maybe without knowing why the reaction occured and so on though I know that that's what practicals are for), doesn't seem to fantasize me, as why can't we do something other than being in a box while there's much outside the world.

And why are we suppose to do things BASED on the book itself???


Basically, because it's SUPER unfair when you get lower marks for no other reason as those who can MEMORIZE more gets higher.
And whats worst, it'll make you feel dissapointed and ended up ignoring those certain subjects (you once loved) completely.

For once, it's drastically unfair.


p/s: People are an illusion to you, while you on the other hand, are illusion to others. You've MADE them being in your life, and for somehow, they've made you being in theirs.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009



Surprisingly, it wasn't as bad as I thought being in Sr2ScA as I thought in the first place. People there are incredibly warm and fun.

Despite that some of them can be REALLY freaking you out. As in like, they started to do maths/asking ques bout it on the FIRST DAY of school!!! THE.VERY.FIRST.DAY dude!

Me and Rui Yi was like o_O, as for us, we didn't stop talking from day 1. We even made a joke that we'll probably DIE here no long withstanding this kinda atmosphere.


Actually I was even surprise that the teacher even remembered bout the test!!! She just bloody can't let us go can she?! huh huh huh???

Well, besides maths, I'm basically very blessed to have all wonderful and awesome teachers teaching in our class, we almost got the best of the best in them.

Though I might be exaggerating, but then they seem quite cool to me.

*winks* :D

Basically Day 1 and Day 2 of school was simply a mess for me. Why?


Terrible sore throat that I nearly lost my voice.

Until today the voice is still cacat-ed a lil bit. Okay, I mean a lot. Not to mention, Nicole even close her ears when she heard the piercing/irritating voice of mine. haha.

But still, it has its pros and cons getting sore throat, despite the cons, I GET TO EAT HONEY EVERYNOW AND THEN!!! hehe. I mean like, you basically won't go and eat honey for no reason what right?

I'm one happy kiddo!!!

Oh no, one siao ass kiddo to be precise. xD

Till then.

Have fun at school!!!